
What is a friend if not somebody you can trust? Somebody you put your faith in and you know will be there by your side. It’s exactly what we do here at take you on a journey, make sure you have the best time of your life and the security of a well planned holiday. Or business trip. Or simply a weekend getaway. You name it.

Welcome aboard our brand new website journey!

As we navigate these fresh digital waters, your insights are invaluable. If anything catches your attention or feels out of place, do tell. Help us perfect our digital adventure.

Become one of our friends in our Beta Journey between 06th of November 2023 and 31st of July 2024 and earn the title of 'Alice's Friend' with a 2% lifelong discount valid for stays. Get a bird’s-eye view of all your journeys, effortlessly organize travel documents, benefit of exclusive deals and flexible payment terms.


How the friend incentive works? Log-in into your account and simply input the code in the promocode field at the end of your hotel or trip-add-on reservation. Thus you get an updated lower price and use the difference to sip cocktails on the beach, eat amazing ice-cream in Italy, pay for raclette by the ski slopes in Switzerland or keep them for your next trip.


It’s time for friendship to pay off, isn’t it?